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5 mars 2022 à 0h08   Informatique & Télécoms   Rabat   51 vues
Détails de l'annonce
Description :
You will join a small team in Belgium (Brussels) of experienced developers/analysts. The core responsibilities of the team resides in maintaining the existing application according to service levels, in implementing changes and in proposing solutions for new projects.

About you:
- You are dynamic solution driven person
- You can work autonomous, but you work well in a Team
- You fluently speak French/English
- You have a bachelor degree or Master's degree or similar through experience
- You like working in an international environment

Experience required :
- Min 4 years experience in development

Professional Requirements :
- Proven experience with C# 4.0 and more, .NET Core and ASP.NET, JavaScript
- Proven experience in MS SQL and Entity FW
- Proven Experience with Angular 4+ , JQuery, knocout.js
- Experience with Git
- Experience with API's (REST/SOAP)
- Strongly Familiar with Design Pattern MVVM, MVC, MVP
- Familiar with best practice (TDD, DDD, Test automation, IoC, Dependency Injection,...)