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23 déc. 2021 à 17h38   Autre   Casablanca   88 vues
Détails de l'annonce
At Hikma we put better health within reach, every day in more than 50 countries around the world. For more than 40 years, we've been creating high-quality medicines and making them accessible to the people who need them. Headquartered in the UK, we are a global company with a local presence across the United States (US), the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and Europe, and we use our unique insight and expertise to transform cutting-edge science into innovative solutions that transform people's lives. We're committed to our customers, and the people they care for, and by thinking creatively and acting practically, we provide them with a broad range of branded and non-branded generic medicines. Together, our 8,600 colleagues are helping to shape a healthier world that enriches all our communities. We are a leading licensing partner, and through our venture capital arm, are helping bring innovative health technologies to people around the world. For more info Disclaimer: EMPLOYMENT RECRUITMENT FRAUD ALERT Please be advised that the Hikma Pharmaceuticals Group does not ask its employees or prospective employees to wire any money either to its bank accounts or to any third party, and does not conduct employment interviews via any social media platform, Google Hangouts, Yahoo! Messenger, text message, or e-mail. Unfortunately, employment scams are increasingly common and it is important to remain vigilant when conducting a job search. For more information about these scams, see the UK National Fraud Intelligence Bureaus website and the US Better Business Bureaus article on the subject. If you receive a request to send money through any means or a request for personal information from anyone claiming to be a Hikma recruiter, DO NOT REPLY. Instead, please forward the communication(s) to us at [email protected] so that we may provide it to relevant law enforcement agencies, as appropriate.Job description:Missions :
  • Effectuer les contrles demands selon le planning hebdomadaire tabli par le responsable analytique.
  • Respecter les BPF, BPL et autres rfrentiels applicables.
  • Raliser les contrles dans le respect des consignes de scurit.
  • Utiliser le document adquat pour les contrles demands.
  • Tracer toutes les activits effectues lors dune analyse (dossier de contrle, log book )
  • Effectuer les vrifications journalires des quipements selon le planning affich.
  • Sassurer de la qualit et la validit des consommables utiliser (Colonne, SCR, ractifs.)
  • Vrifier lchantillon reu pour le contrle (tiquetage, quantits reues .)
  • Saisir les rsultats danalyse sur le systme informatique
Seeked profile:Qualifications
  • Diplme scientifique suprieur.
  • Connaissances et expriences suffisantes dans le domaine du laboratoire de contrle
  • Exprience de 8 ans dans un poste similaire
  • Connaissances thoriques de base des diffrents rfrentiels pour la ralisation dun contrle
  • Connaissance suffisante en informatique.
  • Polyvalence (FP, MP, Validations)