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21 sept. 2021 à 17h06   Marketing & Communication   Casablanca   115 vues
Détails de l'annonce

Poste :

We're looking for a Digital Project Manager to ensure the main following tasks:

- Designing a marketing automation system

- Establishing partnership, listing and affiliation strategy

- SEO and SEA project management

- Tracking of campagns, dashboards, and performance KPIs

- Taking briefs / specifications, and client proposals

- Designing wireframes/customer journeys in collaboration with web designers

- Drafting functional and technical specifications

- Task planning of the agency's developers and graphic designers

- Customer relationship management of some projects

Profil recherché :

The main requirements for the position are:

- Masters in Marketing, or a related field

- Previous experience in a similar position

- Minimum of 3 years of experience in total

- Basic Indesign and Photoshop skills

- Organization, and good time management skills

- Good interpersonal and analytical skills

- Good web culture and familairity with computer science

- knowledge and mastery of social networks

- Good management skills of quantitative and statistical data

- Good writing skills 

Description de la société
Founded in 1997, Leyton is an international consulting firm and our teams around the world remain devoted to the economic, ecological and social development of organisations. Our consultants help our clients' growth and the enduring success of their business.
Leyton Maroc has a multinational Marketing department, which works in partnership with Leyton's offices worldwide.