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14 oct. 2021 à 0h01   Autre   Casablanca   34 vues
Détails de l'annonce
Poste proposé : Country Cyber Security and Privacy Officer

For one of our clients , we are hiring a Country Cyber Security And Privacy Officer.

Position responsibility:

1. Insight and planning: Gain insights into local laws and regulations, understand security and privacy requirements of local governments, regulators, and customers, and local industry best practices, and develop local business budgets and plans.

2. Policy and process adaptation: Implement security and privacy policies locally, optimize local business regulations and processes, provide supervision guidance, and organize implementation.

3. Compliance and risk control: Use risk control methodologies to identify local security and privacy risks, develop and implement compliance and risk control solutions, and develop crisis contingency plans and handle emergencies.

4. Communication and trust building: Proactively identify external stakeholders, collaborate with business departments to establish a regular communication mechanism with local regulators, customers, industry, and standard organizations, and organize the implementation.

Profil recherché pour le poste : Country Cyber Security and Privacy Officer
  1. Insight and planning capability: in-depth insight into and understand local security and privacy laws and regulations as well as security and privacy requirements of local regulatory organizations
  2. External communication capability: participate in external speech and presentation as a spokesperson, and effectively communicate with local regulatory authorities, industry and standards organizations, and customer organizations.
  3. Connectivity and execution capabilities: mutual trust between people support the construction of mutually beneficial relationships among organizations; multiple interests can be coordinated to achieve common goals.
Critères de l'annonce pour le poste : Country Cyber Security and Privacy Officer
Métier :
Informatique, nouvelles technologies
Secteur d´activité :
Services autres
Type de contrat :
Région :
Ville : Casablanca
Niveau d'expérience :
Expérience > 10 ans
Niveau d'études :
Bac+5 et plus
Langues exigées :
Nombre de poste(s) : 2
Description de la société
Le Groupe Adecco est le premier fournisseur mondial de services RH personnalisés. Les services de qualité que nous offrons reflètent notre connaissance précise du marché du travail Marocain et notre compréhension approfondie des besoins du client, après 50 années d’expérience et de connaissances accumulées, au cours desquelles nous avons mis en œuvre des techniques et des méthodes de travail modernes.