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13 janv. 2022 à 0h00   Informatique & Télécoms   Rabat   100 vues
Détails de l'annonce

Poste :

ALPHA10X is looking for a Lead Data Scientist to lead an unusually brilliant, rapidly expanding team of data science / AI experts.

The main responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Lead, train and develop a data science team.
  • Lead exploratory, prototyping phases of cutting-edge AI solutions including NLP, Knowledge Graph analytics, information extraction and multivariant time-series forecasting.
  • Communicate effectively the results, progresses and challenges of the on-going projects to ensure the value and relevance of the built components.

Profil recherché :


  • PhD with a specialization in mathematics, computer science, physics and/or statistics.

Work Experience:

  • Experience writing production-level code python code for AI/ML applications is preferable.

Knowledge & Skills:

  • Strong mathematical knowledge: linear algebra, vector calculus, probability, and statistics.
  • Strong understanding of advanced ML / DL techniques.
  • Strong coding abilities in Python and demonstrated ability with common ML/DL frameworks.
  • Expertise in some of the following data science topics: NLP, Knowledge Graphs, information extraction and time-series.
  • Management, training or team leadership experience is highly desirable.
  • Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Fluency in English.
Description de la société
ALPH10X is an AI-powered platform for life sciences innovation & investment. Applying innovative, market-leading AI methods, ALPHA10X shapes billions of datapoints into actionable knowledge to target R&D and capital at the innovation that will deliver exponential impact and ROI. ALPHA10X has been recognized by Microsoft and the European Union as one of the leading AI startups in Europe. Our team includes leading AI scholars and data scientists with PhDs and advanced degrees from elite engineering schools in eighteen countries.