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21 sept. 2021 à 17h11   Autre   Rabat   36 vues
Détails de l'annonce

Poste :

Mohammed VI Polytechnic University

International Water Research Institute (IWRI)


Position Announcement






With the objective of assessing and highlighting the characteristics of climate change in the Atlas Mountain region taking into account the GHG and mineral dust aspects, the PhD program is organized over four years as follows:

  1. A first year within the pre-doctoral college that includes multidisciplinary training, training through research, as well as preparation for Toefl / Toeic and other tests.
  2. "Stop or go" decision at the end of the year in view of the results obtained.
  3. In the positive case, the doctorate will be started for a period of 3 years within IWRI on a subject related to climate modeling and climate applications. The focus will be primarily on the modeling of mountain climate in Morocco including snow related aspects. Physical parametrizations and the role of mineral aerosols will also be concerned by the analysis and improvements. The PhD will be co-supervised by a partner academic institution recognized in the field of climate modeling.

The doctoral period includes also training courses outside Morocco (mainly in France) within recognized partner institutions in the field of climate modeling.



Key duties:

  • Model evaluation based on different observational datasets
  • Model parametrization improvement
  • Carry out the necessary tests to verify and validate the features of the model components
  • Prepare and run the necessary model experiments
  • Scientific publishing in international journals



Profil recherché :

Criteria of the candidate:   

Engineer or master’s degree in weather and/or climate science, hydrology or related discipline. A particular interest in climate modeling and snow related aspects is highly appreciated.




  • Good Knowledge in numerical climate modeling, data processing, statistics.
  • Good communication skills, both verbal and writing are important.
  • The candidate should demonstrate a willingness and enthusiasm to learn about new topics, creativity capabilities as well as a very good discipline and team spirit.
  • Fluency in French and English are required.
Description de la société
L’Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique (UM6P), institution d’enseignement supérieur à vocation internationale, est engagée pour un système éducatif basé sur des standards de hauts niveaux en matière d’enseignement et de recherche dans des domaines prioritaires au développement économique du Maroc et de l’Afrique. Notre jeune université construit un réseau académique international de renom et s’appuie sur un corps enseignants-chercheurs disposant d’une longue expérience professionnelle. L’UM6P,  grâce à ses infrastructures de pointe, offre un cadre de de travail, d’étude, et de vie très agréable.